As a strategic partner of the Ecumenical Relief Organisation, MEDITOP Pharmaceuticals Ltd. is continuously involved in the work of the relief organisation. Not only with money, when needed, we also participate in their programs with volunteer work. This December we distributed food to the needy in Csepel on two occasions.

On further reflection, we once came to the conclusion that an effective form of support for the work of the organisation could be to give the staff of the relief organisation the opportunity to have a year-end or year-early get-together, when one day is not “all about their work”. They can come together from all over the country and do a bit of “themselves” work. This initiative seems to have worked, so for the second time this year, the staff and “ambassadors” of the organisation gathered at the M10 restaurant, spending half a day together in a pleasant environment, recharged with professional and friendly conversations, getting back a little of the care they give to the needy and the needy throughout the year.

A word of thanks from Kristóf Gáncs, Communications Director of the Ecumenical Relief Organisation:

“At the core of the OED community are around 300 full-time staff. Perhaps few people realise how many different kinds of professionals are behind the operation of the national network of institutions that help the needy 365 days a year, and the large-scale national and international relief operations and fundraising campaigns: from grant writers and social workers to project managers, financial, logistical and communication specialists. It is a very rare occasion when relief workers can come together in such large numbers as at the now traditional launch lunch of the year in M10. It was a particular pleasure that Mrs Aniko and Koko were able to accept our invitation, as they too have been colleagues as Goodwill Ambassadors for decades. The timing of the invitation was also very good, as the last period of the year is a peak time in almost all areas of the aid organisation, so there is no chance of a Christmas gathering, which is typical of other companies. It was great to stop, say thank you and chat outside the office, with fantastic hospitality in beautiful surroundings. Thank you to M10 Restaurant for the donation, to our strategic partner Meditop and to everyone who contributed to make these few hours a real holiday for the staff of the Relief Society!”