Provident Társadalmi Hasznossági Díj - MEDITOP

Winner of the Provident Social Utility Award 2023: MEDITOP Pharmaceutical Ltd.

We are honoured that the Board of Trustees of the Provident Social Utility Award has decided that the winner of the 2023 award will be MEDITOP Pharmaceutical Ltd.

The members of the Board of Trustees (Paul Fox, British Ambassador to Hungary, Borbála Czakó, Honorary President of the HBLF, Prof. Dr. István Stumpf, András Bácsfalvi, partner of EY, László Lehel, President and CEO of the Ecumenical Aid Organisation, Csaba Szajlai, media partner of the award, editor-in-chief of Figyelő, Éva Hegedüs, CEO of Gránitbank and Botond Szirmák, representing Provident) awarded the prize to MEDITOP Pharmaceuticals Ltd. primarily in recognition of their long-term and thoughtful support to the Ecumenical Relief Organisation.

In their decision, the trustees highlighted the fact that the company can set a good example for other Hungarian-owned medium-sized companies through this strategic partnership.

The award gala of the Figyelő TOP200 was held on 16 November 2023, with Dr. Mihály Varga Mihály, Minister of Finance, as the main patron.


Provident Társadalmi Hasznossági Díj - MEDITOP -TOP200