The 46th Medicina Conference was held this week with the participation of around 350 people, for the first time jointly organised by the Medicina Forum project, the Hungarian Hospital Association and the Hungarian Healthcare Management Association.
Speakers included renowned experts from the fields of public administration, hospitals, healthcare and finance, professional associations and industry. The presentations will be available soon on the website mksz.korhazszö
The VII Summit of Ministers of State and State Secretaries was attended with great interest. Sector leaders from the past 33 years and the current Secretary of State had an exciting exchange of views on how the experience and legislation accumulated over more than three decades has been put to good use in the health sector. The roundtable discussion was attended by Árpád Gógl, István Mikola, Mihály Kökény, Zoltán Ónodi-Szűcs, Miklós Szócska, Anikó Nagy, Ildikó Horváth and Péter Takács, the current State Secretary. Jenő Rácz sent his views and suggestions in writing, which were presented by the moderator Erzsébet Nógrádi Tóth. The discussion was moderated by János György Velkey and Imre Boncz, Deputy Dean of PTE.
In their retrospectives, the sector leaders gave their views on their work, what they perceived as successes, what they consider as failures, what they would do differently, and what they consider to be the lasting impact of their decisions. They also told us what they consider to be the most important task today to improve the institutional system and provide safer patient care.
There was a consensus on the principles of the Semmelweis Plan of 2011 and what can be done with it today. The majority of former sector leaders consider it important to have an independent ministry of health to govern the sector. All of them want to see a reorganisation of the institutional system, a pay rise for professionals, a overhaul of the emergency and general practice systems, a review of funding, and the careful use of the IT systems and artificial intelligence available today.
The eleventh edition of the Medicina Forum Yearbook was published this year and presented by Árpád Kovács, President of the Fiscal Council, at the awards gala following the 46th Medicina Conference. At the gala evening following the book launch, 13 successful applicants were awarded the special prizes for excellence and professionalism, including the MEDITOP – MEDICINA special professional prizes, and the winners were presented with a speech by Prof. Dr. Éva Szökő, President of the Hungarian Pharmaceutical Society.
Dr. Miklós Bege is a research assistant at the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Debrecen. He obtained his PhD degree in 2022 on the synthesis of new types of peptide nucleic acids and furanose ring modified nucleosides. Author or co-author of 18 publications in international journals. He is involved in the education of pharmacy students. He has authored numerous continuing education publications for pharmacists. Prepared a demonstration for the Researchers’ Night event. Junior mentor for the National Academy of Science.
Dr. Albertné Dr. Gecse Kinga received the special prize of MEDITOP Pharmaceutical Ltd. this year. The winner is investigating the role of serotonin and quinurenine metabolism in migraine, under the supervision of Dr. Gabriella Juhász, at the Institute of Pharmacology, Semmelweis University, author/co-author of 14 publications. She has been awarded 1st prize at the Semmelweis PhD Scientific Days and has received several Excellence Grants. She teaches pharmacy students, conducts practical courses in Hungarian and English, and is a thesis advisor. Member of the Association for the Conscious Use of Medicines.