Minerals and ions are essential for the proper functioning of our body, and their presence in the right amounts is essential. These ions play an essential role in cell function, energy supply and the maintenance of various vital functions.
The most important macroelements include sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride and phosphate. These ions are required in higher amounts by the body and are essential for maintaining a proper balance.
Ions and minerals that are needed in smaller amounts, such as copper, fluoride, iodine, iron, selenium and zinc, are known as trace elements. Although they are needed in lower concentrations, these ions also play a key role in enzyme function, hormone balance and cell regeneration.
Ion balance and homeostasis in the body
Proper blood levels of ions and the build-up of reserves needed by the body are achieved through tightly regulated mechanisms. This precise regulation ensures that the body can maintain stable homeostasis under all circumstances, whether under normal stress or external influences. Homeostasis of ions is essential for nervous and muscle function, energy supply and communication between cells. (Homeostasis is the maintenance of the body’s internal balance, for example the regulation of temperature, ions and blood sugar levels despite external changes.)
For healthy people, a balanced diet usually provides the necessary ions for the body. Ions such as potassium and magnesium can be replenished from natural sources such as vegetables, fruits and dairy products.
Changing needs and the need for ion supplementation
In certain situations, the body’s ionic demand can increase significantly. In the event of illness, injury, intense physical activity or stress, ions may be excreted from the body more quickly, so that the usual daily intake is not sufficient. In such cases, external supplementation is necessary, either through food or special vitamin supplements.
For example, potassium deficiency caused by vomiting, diarrhoea or taking certain medicines can cause serious problems with electrolyte balance, leading to muscle weakness or heart rhythm disturbances. Similarly, magnesium deficiency can lead to neurological and muscle dysfunction. Replenishing ions is therefore important not only to relieve symptoms but also to maintain long-term health.
Ways of ion replacement
The primary way to replenish ions is through nutrition. A proper diet rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium and other important ions helps the body function normally. However, in some cases, such as intense sporting activity, illness or special diets, naturally supplementing ions is not always sufficient.
In this case, it is recommended to use special vitamin preparations, such as ion replacement capsules, which provide the ions the body needs in a targeted way.
Modern nutritional supplements are effective in replenishing ion deficiencies while supporting cell regeneration and normal metabolism.
Found everywhere in the body, it is an essential component of more than 100 enzymes. Many diseases can contribute to zinc deficiency: e.g. liver and pancreatic diseases, alcoholism, diabetes, malabsorption.
What is it needed for in the body?
- the function of many enzymes
- the production of insulin
- to maintain healthy skin
- regeneration processes, healing
- growth
Recommended daily intake: 15 mg
Main sources are animal offal (e.g. liver), eggs, seafood
A vital element necessary for normal cell function. Blood levels are tightly regulated. Increased loss of potassium is expected in vomiting, diarrhoea and certain intestinal diseases. Some drugs, e.g. some diuretics, stimulate the kidneys to excrete more potassium. And certain other drugs (insulin, albuterol, terbutaline, theophylline) can increase the movement of potassium from the blood into the cells, which also leads to lower blood levels. It can cause more serious problems, particularly in heart patients, especially those with arrhythmias or conditions that predispose them to these. Higher potassium levels may occur mainly when taking some drugs (ACE inhibitors, spironolactone, triamterene) or in certain diseases (Addison’s disease, kidney failure). In the case of major tissue damage (extensive muscle bruising or burns), a lot of potassium is released from damaged cells, which raises blood levels.
Its function in the body:
- to ensure normal nerve and muscle function
- electrolyte balance
Recommended daily intake: 3,5 g
Main sources:
- whole and skimmed milk
- bananas, oranges, tomatoes, melon, potatoes, plums, spinach, turnips, cabbage, other green leafy vegetables
- peas and beans
- raisins
Low levels occur with inadequate intake (starvation) or reduced absorption. High alcohol consumption also contributes to low magnesium levels. Hormonal abnormalities, chronic diarrhoea, increased excretion may also be causes of low magnesium levels. Excessively high magnesium levels are less likely to develop. Excessive magnesium intake may be a cause, e.g. in renal failure.
Its function in the body:
- formation of bones and teeth
- normal nerve and muscle function
- essential for the function of certain enzymes
Recommended daily intake: : women- 320 mg, men- 420 mg
Main sources:
- green leafy vegetables
- nuts
- cereal bran
- seafood
Like other ions, phosphates play an important role in cellular metabolism and energy production, bone growth and metabolism, muscle and nerve function, and the maintenance of acid-base balance in the body. Phosphate levels in the body are closely related to blood calcium levels. This is regulated by parathyroid hormone produced by the parathyroid gland, which also regulates the body’s phosphate levels.
Recommended daily intake: 26-35 mmol (800-1100 mg)
Main sources:
- cereals (rye, wheat)
- legumes (beans, peas, lentils)
- dairy products
- red meats
Why are ions essential?
Ions play a vital role in the functioning of the body at all levels, from nerve and muscle function to cellular energy supply. Ion deficiencies can lead to serious health problems, so it is important to keep them up to date. A balanced diet and the use of ion replacement products can help our bodies to function properly and become more resistant to various external influences.
💡 Tip: Pay attention to your diet and consult a specialist if necessary to find the optimal way to supplement ions!